Welcome to the Selenium Real-time Project framework series. This is the third tutorial in which we will configure the project framework. We recommend you to read our last 2 tutorials before jumping to this one.
- Selenium Real-time Project Framework – #1 (Maven Project)
- Selenium Real-time Project Framework #2 Framework Structure
Alright, let’s move ahead…
Why do we need to create config.properties?
We are trying to save some properties to the outside of the framework code, so we don’t have to modify the code every time. So following folders & files, we will create inside the framework structure:
- Configuration
- Drivers

The configuration folder is where we will save configuration properties that are outside of the framework code, so we don’t have to modify the framework code and it will be treated like a generic. So following properties will be saved inside the config.properties file under the configuration folder.
- Browser: Like which browser, you want to use to test e-learning project or e-commerce project.
- testurl: It is your project URL that you want to open at the starting of framework execution.

Apart from this, we have to create one more folder named of Drivers to save the browser driver executable file, so the framework can find the browser driver executable file based on Browser Property.

To watch the full video: